June 14, 2023

Automated Operational Reporting Workshop

Discover how Vivid Charts automates operational reporting within ServiceNow, saving valuable time and improving data transparency.

Panel Experts

Pedro Soto
Senior Manager
Westbury Analytics
Pedro Soto
Senior Manager
Westbury Analytics
Pedro Soto
Senior Manager
Westbury Analytics

Enhancing Efficiency and Data Transparency with ServiceNow Integration

In a recent webinar, VividCharts introduced their automated operational reporting solutions integrated within ServiceNow. The session began with a brief overview of VividCharts and its partnership with ServiceNow, emphasizing the seamless integration and data security within the customer’s ServiceNow instance. The primary goal of VividCharts is to automate time-consuming manual reporting tasks, thus providing users with more time for strategic activities.

The webinar highlighted the difference between automated operational reporting and analytics. While both involve data visualization, operational reporting focuses on what is happening within the organization, presenting data in a structured, consumable format. In contrast, analytics seeks to understand why events occur, enabling deeper data interpretation and informed decision-making. VividCharts’ automated operational reporting reduces manual efforts, freeing up resources for more meaningful analytics work.

A significant portion of the presentation was dedicated to explaining the "Three D’s" of automated operational reporting: Data, Design, and Delivery. Data involves accessing and understanding the relevant data within ServiceNow. Design ensures the reports are visually appealing and easy to understand. Delivery focuses on distributing the reports in the preferred format, whether through PowerPoint, PDF, or directly within ServiceNow. This comprehensive approach ensures stakeholders receive accurate and timely reports without manual intervention.

The benefits of VividCharts' automated operational reporting are substantial. Increased ServiceNow user adoption occurs as reporting tasks become more straightforward and efficient. Data transparency improves, providing stakeholders with live, on-demand reports and reducing the need for manual data inquiries. Additionally, agile strategic planning is enabled through timely operational insights, facilitating quicker decision-making and more effective resource allocation.

Main Topics Covered:

  • ServiceNow Integration: VividCharts integrates seamlessly with ServiceNow, ensuring all data remains secure within the platform.
  • Automation of Manual Reports: The tool automates various reporting tasks, significantly reducing the time and effort spent on creating reports.
  • Customization and Flexibility: Users have control over the design and delivery of reports, allowing for tailored reporting solutions.
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