December 6, 2023

ITSM Reporting at Scale - A ServiceNow Reporting Workshop

Explore how VividCharts optimizes ITSM reporting in ServiceNow with automated, scalable solutions.

Panel Experts

Pedro Soto
Senior Manager
Westbury Analytics
Pedro Soto
Senior Manager
Westbury Analytics
Pedro Soto
Senior Manager
Westbury Analytics

Automated Reporting Solutions for Effective Data Management

In a recent webinar, VividCharts co-founder Rob Walsh discussed the importance of effective ITSM reporting and how VividCharts can optimize this process within the ServiceNow platform. VividCharts, a ServiceNow Advanced Build Partner, provides automated operational reporting that integrates seamlessly into ServiceNow, ensuring data security and reducing manual efforts. The session highlighted the foundational elements of an ITSM reporting program and the various report types needed to support different business models and audiences.

The webinar emphasized aligning the reporting program with the organization's business model and support structure. By understanding the specific needs of different facilities, geographic locations, and business lines, organizations can create reports that are both relevant and impactful. VividCharts offers a flexible chart library and design tools to create visually appealing reports that meet executive standards.

Three key reporting cadences were discussed: real-time, periodic, and ad hoc reporting. Real-time dashboards provide self-service reporting to answer common questions, while periodic reports, such as automated slide decks, support structured performance reviews. Ad hoc reporting tools offer the flexibility to respond to unique and immediate data requests quickly. VividCharts facilitates these needs with advanced dashboards, automated slide decks, and scaled report generation.

Automated reporting through VividCharts offers significant benefits, including increased efficiency, improved data visibility, and better stakeholder engagement. By leveraging VividCharts, organizations can enhance their ITSM reporting capabilities, enabling more informed decision-making and strategic planning.

Main Topics Covered:

  • ITSM Reporting Foundations: Aligning reports with the organization's business model and support structure.
  • Automated Reporting Solutions: Real-time dashboards, periodic slide decks, and ad hoc reporting tools.
  • Enhanced Data Management: Increased efficiency, improved data visibility, and stakeholder engagement through automated reports.
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