October 12, 2023

Real-Time | Process | CDW Customer Story

Discover how CDW automates business reviews with VividCharts, enhancing efficiency and customer satisfaction.

Panel Experts

Pedro Soto
Senior Manager
Westbury Analytics
Pedro Soto
Senior Manager
Westbury Analytics
Pedro Soto
Senior Manager
Westbury Analytics

Revolutionizing Business Reviews with VividCharts at CDW

In a recent session, Luke Griffith from CDW shared their journey of transforming business reviews using VividCharts. With over a decade of experience, Luke detailed the challenges CDW faced with manual and time-consuming business review processes. These issues included errors, lack of standardization, and difficulty scaling as customer numbers increased. The introduction of VividCharts provided a game-changing solution, automating and standardizing the process, saving significant time, and improving overall customer experience.

Previously, creating business reviews involved numerous manual steps, from running reports in ServiceNow to exporting data into Excel and PowerPoint. This process could take several hours per review. With VividCharts, CDW eliminated these steps, allowing customer success managers to download a business review deck in less than a minute. This automation enables the team to focus on analyzing content and adding a human touch rather than spending time on tedious tasks.

CDW designed their business review templates to be intuitive for customers, allowing for self-service access via their portal. These templates include data visualizations with contextual help text and benchmarks to drive customer action and engagement. The result is a more consistent and professional presentation of data, which customers can easily consume and use to make informed decisions.

Main Topics Covered:

  • Manual Process Challenges: Initial issues with time-consuming and error-prone manual business review creation.
  • VividCharts Implementation: Streamlined and automated reporting process, significantly reducing preparation time.
  • Enhanced Customer Experience: Professional and standardized templates that are easy for customers to access and understand.
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