October 12, 2023

Real-Time | Strategic | AOR Origin Story

Discover how VividCharts automates your critical business reports directly in ServiceNow.

Panel Experts

Pedro Soto
Senior Manager
Westbury Analytics
Pedro Soto
Senior Manager
Westbury Analytics
Pedro Soto
Senior Manager
Westbury Analytics

Streamline Your ServiceNow Reporting Workflows

In a recent strategy session, VividCharts co-founders Mitch Stutler and Rob Walsh discussed the benefits of automated operational reporting (AOR) within ServiceNow. They highlighted how VividCharts, founded in 2018, has evolved to meet customer needs by automating essential business reports directly in ServiceNow, eliminating manual processes and ensuring data accuracy.

A key distinction was made between AOR and analytics. While analytics explores data trends and insights, AOR focuses on delivering specific, standard reports that stakeholders require regularly. VividCharts integrates directly into ServiceNow, allowing users to automate the end-to-end reporting workflow. This includes not just creating charts but also managing data, design, and delivery, ensuring consistent and efficient reporting.

VividCharts’ AOR solution benefits various organizational levels. Executives gain timely access to data for decision-making, while report builders save significant time by automating repetitive tasks. This time savings allows teams to focus on expanding ServiceNow capabilities rather than being bogged down by manual reporting. Additionally, VividCharts improves data quality by standardizing report creation and ensuring consistency across the organization.

Main Topics Covered:

  • Automated Reporting Workflows: Streamline the creation and distribution of standard reports within ServiceNow.
  • Distinction Between AOR and Analytics: Focus on delivering specific, required reports versus exploring data trends.
  • Organizational Benefits: Improved data quality, time savings, and enhanced decision-making capabilities.
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